
Usually, orders is executed automatically, within a few minutes after the payment is made
The expected time for sending funds to all bank cards, SBP, YooMoney, ranges from 10 minutes to 3 hours.

Terms of processing cryptocurrencies

Required number of confirmations

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ton, Dogecoin, Matic, Shib: 1 conf.
Litecoin: 4 conf.
TRC20, Tron: 19 conf.
Monero: 12 conf.
Bitcoin Cash: 6 conf.
BSC: 5 conf.

Withdrawal process of crypto needs 15 minutes.

Exchange rate: 1 POL = 8.959466 UAH

min.: 223.22759 POL max.: 27903.44871 POL

min.: 223.22759 POL

min.: 2000 UAH max.: 250000 UAH

min.: 2000 UAH
User data

Please provide a valid E-Mail address. It may be required for confirming actions with your order.

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